Friday, March 13, 2009

Birthday Push-Ups

Birthday Push-Ups from Jim Harris Images on Vimeo.

Just wanted to wish my Dad a Happy 62nd Birthday. I've been meaning to post a couple things here and this is a good opportunity. Every year on his birthday my Dad does 100 push-ups to mark the occasion. I don't know when the last time any of you have tried to 100 push-ups, but I remember the last time I tried to see how many I could do. It was a bet between a buddy and me about 15 years ago and I don't think either of us got to 100.

Last year when we were on vacation in Florida I took a movie clip of my Dad doing 100. He makes it look pretty easy. So check out the clip, I figure if we're not going to do the push-ups, you could at least take two minutes and watch someone else do 'em.

I'm also posting two pictures taken in the last year while with my Dad. I don't shoot as much fun stuff as I used to, but when I do I'm always grateful to have taken the time and effort. You'll usually see me with the point and shoot, but the really great shots happen when I take out the good stuff. The serious gear. Which usually means more weight and responsibility to keep an eye on it. But as mentioned, it always means better pictures.

The shot of the dogs in the doorway happened when my Dad and I were pulling out of the driveway. He rushed back into the house for his camera. I did the same and got some great results.

The shot of the coal miner statue is from our hometown. My Dad and I went to an area coal festival this past summer and drove around a while trying to find this statue which is a tribute to the Anthracite Coal Miners of Northeastern PA. It's always good to remember where you come from!

1 comment:

AstonJay32 said...

Wow. That's about 88 more than I can do right now, and I'm 29!