Monday, April 13, 2009

Thanks Harry

To say that Harry Kalas was the most beloved sports figure in Philadelphia isn't a stretch. I'm not sure how well recognized Harry is on a national level, but in this city he's huge and for all the right reasons. Even if you don't listen to Phillies games, you've heard him in commercials or NFL films. Ballplayers come and go but the best broadcasters are there forever. Every once in a while you get one like Vin Scully, Harry Caray and Harry Kalas. Every time you watch a game or listen to it on the radio, it's the same guy and there's a comfort in that. You get to know them after 38 least you think you do and Harry got that. I saw Harry a couple times while working and he greeted everyone like someone he knew. That's why I've always liked this picture of Harry smiling for my camera. The guy was very comfortable knowing that this city loved him so much.

I was pretty set on seeing the Phils get their World Series Rings last week.
The ceremony/game was long sold out but I managed to get a ticket and went and took pictures from the stands. Harry threw out the first pitch to a standing ovation. It was the final game of the opening homestand and the last time the home fans would see and honor Harry.

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