Wednesday, May 25, 2011

12 Days of Mugger - Day 1 (Travel Day)

Families are like fudge ~ Mostly sweet with a few nuts

Our family is from humble roots. My Mom and Mugger’s Mom grew up on Stark Street in South Wilkes-Barre. What some people don’t know is that my Dad and Weiner grew up as next door neighbors on Horton Street a couple blocks away. In fact, I did a Google Earth search and their houses were only 500 yards apart. It’s just funny to think that our family originates from such a small little patch of the world. It doesn’t work that way these days. Today you get your family scattered all over the country like marbles on a tile floor.

In a couple hours I’ll be in a rental car driving through Boulder and into the Rocky Mountains to Estes Park. Over the course of the holiday weekend we’ll get to meet Michelle’s family and see the small patch of the world they call home.

I’ve known Michelle for two years already. I was there when she met the whole family.

It’s been interesting and fun watching her jump into the crazy pool that is our family. She’s moved from the shallow end to the deep end with ease. She now knows that when someone wants to play bean bags in the backyard, it’s likely to mean a double elimination round robin tournament. She knows that if you have tickets to a Penn State game, you will be going to that game even in hurricane weather.

Congratulations Mugger and Michelle. See you in the mountains for a killer party.

Our Folks

12 Days of Mugger ~ Day 2

I remember landing in the middle of the Vegas night.
I remember a wolf pack.
I remember vodka and several cases of sugar-free Red Bull.
I remember a media suite with more square footage than our house.
I remember arguing with a craps dealer and driving cars with big wheels.
I remember steak for breakfast and steak for dinner.
The rest I just pieced together with the pictures...

Mugger's 11 ~ Las Vegas 4-11 from Jim Harris Images on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

12 Days of Mugger ~ Day 3

It's Hard to be Saint in the City

Mugger and I were driving back on the Poor’White Parkway. We had two bushels of crabs in the trunk and a couple cases of beer. His deployment date to Afghanistan was still up in the air so we were having what we thought might be a going away party. We were talking about AJ’s bachelor party in New Orleans and how the dates shook out. There were only a couple potential weekends available for New Orelans and I had weddings booked for them. I was disappointed, but at that point I wasn’t able to make the trip.

However, one of my two weddings I had to shoot during the New Orleans weekend broke up just two weeks before the wedding. It was a surprise, but it happens occasionally, though not typically this close to the wedding... Now instead of having a wedding on Friday and Sunday, I only had one on Sunday.

I knew if I told Mugger this I would be on the hook and there would be no way he’d let me miss the Big Easy. Truth is I wanted to go to New Orleans for this bachelor party so bad my liver hurt and as soon as I told Mugger about the fortunate breakup he went to work on me. ‘You can go then!” he said. "Well, I still have the Sunday wedding.” I replied...."You can just leave early Saturday, but you can still go." "Well, I’m a little nervous about flying out the day before one of my jobs, what if something goes wrong with my flight." That could never happen...worst case scenario, you could still drive and make it in 24 hours!!?”

I was in. I was all in. I booked a flight and never missing an opportunity for surprise, we decided not to tell AJ. So I flew in, ate a Fried Oyster Po’Boy sandwich, tooks some pictures and checked into our suite overlooking Bourbon Street. I bought some beer, iced it down, put on some Jazz and waited for the crew.

Great memories that afternoon... The storage capacity for those memories diminished once AJ's Bachelor Party Platoon took hold of The French Quarter. A couple Grenades, followed by a couple Hurricanes and an Absinthe to keep it classy and the next thing I knew I was heading back to the airport two days later and back to work the next morning.

Looking at the pictures, it looks like one of the best weekends I've ever had. I don't know how you can top something like that.....


Mugger's Bachelor Party

Las Vegas

Monday, May 23, 2011

12 Days of Mugger ~ Day 4

The Blade

Mugger and Aj were the Best Men at my wedding. All wedding activities took place in Philadelphia over a Labor Day weekend. The bachelor party was a booze soaked bowling night with my closest friends, organized and facilitated by my cousins. Since having experienced my cousins bachelor parties in New Orleans and Las Vegas respectively, I now feel that I may have UNDERshot somewhat on my own bachelor party. Nevertheless it was a truly epic night and pound for pound I’m not sure any of us were more stumble-down-drunk in New Orleans or Vegas as we were at that bowling alley after a quick-draw two hour open bar.

The next day was our rehearsal dinner etc and that night I gave some of my closet friends a slip of paper simply saying "Meet in the Lobby tomorrow morning. 9:30 sharp. Don’t Shave." Sometimes when you think of an idea it sounds so great in your head that you could barely contain your own genius-ness. And then when you begin to facilitate that idea and watch it play out, it’s like witnessing a slow train slide off the tracks and into the Deleware River.

This is kind of how this idea was...

At 9:30 on the morning of my wedding, my groomsmen and some friends loaded into a van and drove over to a barber shop in south Philadelphia for a single blade shave. The place was classic old school South Philly and run by a Father and Son since the late 40s. There were 8x10 framed photos of Italian celebratees from the neighborhood and a soundtrack of Philadelphia crooners like Mario Lanza and Bobby Rydell. I called and made all the arrangements and they treated us to some coffee and donuts before lining us up and making us all bleed from our face.

My only act of grace at this point was to go first. I strongly believe now that they brought the old man out of retirement for this gig and they just hoped that the muscle memory would kick in once he picked up his single blade and started scraping away. I figured if anyone was to get slit first it should be me. Mugger was next and watching cautiously as the old man started to nick away at my cheeks and throat. It was the closest and worst shave I ever had. I walked away from the barber chair with enough red-dotted tissue on my chin you’d thought my face just lost a steel cage fencing duel. The worst part was having to sit there now and watch all my friends and family slowly get slaughtered one by one to the upbeat sound of Louis Prima.

I do believe that the old man settled in as I’d hoped he would and the last shaves were much better than his first shaves. Before AJ got up there, I was literally pleading with him not to get shaved. We had this cool experience, it was the ultimate photo OP, but now let’s call it a day. Truth is, nobody really wanted to miss this opportunity to get a single blade shave including AJ. It was like some brutal rite of passage at this point and he took his nicks and scratches with pride,,, just like the rest of us.

At the wedding, we had a photo of Kristen and I with a mat board that our guests could sign. Everyone wrote the niceties you’d expect and wished us luck. Mugger wrote, “Thanks for the shave! I had too much blood anyway!”

Sunday, May 22, 2011

12 Days of Mugger - Day 5

Game On!

The fuel that makes the Lawrence Fun Machine run is the board game. If there is even an informal gathering on Hillandale it’s not uncommon for a game of Apples to Apples or Times Up to break out. They must have a Bat Signal-type Spot Light that shines through the Midlothian night because people know and they show up in masses at all hours of the night hoping to get a seat at that kitchen table to show off their clay molding skills in Cranium. Weiner typically makes sure everyone is playing by the rules and even makes the rules 'better' as needed. This is known as Weinerizing and has been a common practice in our family since the early seventies. I don't know what the game closet looks like at the Lawrence House, but there is a lot of Milton Bradley in fact, I was convinced that Milton Bradley used a likeness of Mugger for their last cover of Twister.

In the daylight, it’s badminton, bean bags or bocce. A tradition at my folks place for many years is to play Bocce with wool winter hats. This dates back to when they bought the last Bocce kit, it had a picture on the box of a group of old European men playing Bocce and all of them wearing some type of Eastern European or Italian Hat Wear. So every summer my Mom has to dig out the winter hats so we could play Bocce in the most authentic way possible.

When considering the history of games with Mugger it’s worth mentioning our few attempts at poker. There hasn’t been a lot of play, but the few times we have, it’s usually ended in a tailspin. It's also ended with what could be our finest photo. (See Above) There's also the time we played at his apartment in San Diego. The cards were so hot it was uncanny the first couple hands. Kristen started with 3 of a kind. Then my full-house beat Mugger’s Full House. Then I went all in with 4 Queens only to fall to Mugger’s 4 Aces. It was about this time when we realized we were playing with a Pinochle deck.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

12 Days of Mugger - Day 6

Mugger on a Stick

There was a time when Mugger played a lot of Nintendo 64. James Bond’s GoldenEye was his game of choice. A game of espionage and cappin’ a bunch of MoFo’z with any number of weapons of individual destruction.

We would play late until the night falling asleep on the controllers. It was fun and we played with as many as three or four people at a time. The Nintendo 64 console was at least 2 or 3 systems removed from the most current console, but it worked for us. One day I got a box from Mugger shipped UPS to our apartment in Burbank. I opened it up and it was a Nintendo 64 that he bought on Ebay for Kristen and I. It had one game. James Bond GoldenEye. He would typically beat up on us with consistency, even with his skill level set high and ours on low to intermediate,,,,and I think he wanted us to get some practice in before the next marathon. He wanted us to train and push him a little in his pursuit to be the best GoldenEye assassin he could be.

The point of this story relates to a letter and photo we got from Mugger not long after his deployment to Iraq thanking us for the hours of training on the Nintendo 64. You see, he and a Joint Special Operations Unit of specially trained Flight Surgeons had just captured Saddam Hussein and while he couldn’t say much about it or speak for the rest of the Unit, he felt that his skills were only sharpened and refined by the countless hours of late night GoldenEye. So in a small way, Kristen and I (and all of us that played GoldenEye) also assisted in the capture of Saddam Hussein.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, life was moving along as normal as possible when you have a family member stationed overseas. We had our gatherings, reunions and graduations etc, but the Lawrence Family never showed up without their Mugger-on-a-Stick. All group photos where taken with a life size 2 dimensional photo of Mugger’s Face glued on some backboard and taped to a paint mixing stick.

There were concerns that Mugger was going to miss AJ’s wedding last summer when he was called to Afghanistan, but fortunately his deployment was delayed and he was able to be there as AJ’s Best Man.

Not taking any chances though, my Uncle Weiner and AJ started work in the garage on a more advanced Mugger on a Stick. A life size three-dimensional Mugger robot prototype. This robot would serve the same purpose as the Mugger on a stick, but it would be bigger and better and more technological with AJ’s software programming advancements and Weiner’s directorial skills. This Mugger robot would come equipped with a mechanical catapult spring loaded-arm capable of pitching bean bags or bocce balls up to 25 feet in the backyard. It would be able to speak simple Mugger catch phrases like, “Got Crabs” , “Who needs a Natty?” and "Yeah Dad, that would be really neat.”

Truth is we’ve all grown accustomed to Robot Mugger here on the East Coast and we’ll hate to see him shut down once the real Mugger and his new bride move back here. Maybe we’ll teach Robot Mugger to play GoldenEye and send him to Portsmouth with the newlyweds.

Friday, May 20, 2011

12 Dias con Mugger - Dia 7

El Toreo De Tijuana

Once we exhausted all tourist possibilities in San Diego such as The Zoo, Gaslamp, Old Town and Seaport Village there was only one place left to explore…

South of the Border in Tijuana.

We crossed the borderline with much enthusiasm and hit the major Gringo attractions before noon. We had a couple margaritas, been serenaded and crooned by more than a few Mariachi bands… we'd been taken advantage of by retailers and brokers of overpriced souvenirs and merchandise very likely not made in Mexico. We did everything short of getting our Polaroid taken on a donkey.

And that’s when we saw the billboard with all it’s color and inviting-ness.. An advertisement for Bull Fights at the Plaza in downtown Tijuana. It involved leaving the other tourists behind, along with the gratuitously expensive margaritas and getting in cab. It involved a leap of faith and a little bravery…the kind of faith and bravery that you find at the bottom of your fourth margarita glass.

We pulled up to the bullring and the concerned cabbie reluctantly let us out. We purchased our ticket in the shaded part of the stands… it cost a couple extra pesos but we were riding first class south of the border. We settled in and before we knew it, vendors were walking through the stands selling ice cold Coronas for 75 cents. They also sold snacks that were either deep fried meat or vegetables with some peppers and salsa on top. We indulged with whatever was offered and it was all delicious. I even bought a Matador hat.

We didn’t know the rules of the Bull Fight, but what started out so beautiful and majestic ended with a dead bull bleeding to death and being pulled out of the ring by a chain hitched to a tractor. It was a little rough and for a minute or two we all sat there with our jaws dropped, pondering our new cultural experience. It was exciting and brutal, but there was nowhere else in Tijuana (or San Diego) where someone was going to continually bring us 75 cent Coronas, so we settled in. Some of us rooted for the Matador, some of us rooted for the Bull.