Tuesday, May 24, 2011

12 Days of Mugger ~ Day 3

It's Hard to be Saint in the City

Mugger and I were driving back on the Poor’White Parkway. We had two bushels of crabs in the trunk and a couple cases of beer. His deployment date to Afghanistan was still up in the air so we were having what we thought might be a going away party. We were talking about AJ’s bachelor party in New Orleans and how the dates shook out. There were only a couple potential weekends available for New Orelans and I had weddings booked for them. I was disappointed, but at that point I wasn’t able to make the trip.

However, one of my two weddings I had to shoot during the New Orleans weekend broke up just two weeks before the wedding. It was a surprise, but it happens occasionally, though not typically this close to the wedding... Now instead of having a wedding on Friday and Sunday, I only had one on Sunday.

I knew if I told Mugger this I would be on the hook and there would be no way he’d let me miss the Big Easy. Truth is I wanted to go to New Orleans for this bachelor party so bad my liver hurt and as soon as I told Mugger about the fortunate breakup he went to work on me. ‘You can go then!” he said. "Well, I still have the Sunday wedding.” I replied...."You can just leave early Saturday, but you can still go." "Well, I’m a little nervous about flying out the day before one of my jobs, what if something goes wrong with my flight." That could never happen...worst case scenario, you could still drive and make it in 24 hours!!?”

I was in. I was all in. I booked a flight and never missing an opportunity for surprise, we decided not to tell AJ. So I flew in, ate a Fried Oyster Po’Boy sandwich, tooks some pictures and checked into our suite overlooking Bourbon Street. I bought some beer, iced it down, put on some Jazz and waited for the crew.

Great memories that afternoon... The storage capacity for those memories diminished once AJ's Bachelor Party Platoon took hold of The French Quarter. A couple Grenades, followed by a couple Hurricanes and an Absinthe to keep it classy and the next thing I knew I was heading back to the airport two days later and back to work the next morning.

Looking at the pictures, it looks like one of the best weekends I've ever had. I don't know how you can top something like that.....


Mugger's Bachelor Party

Las Vegas

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