Sunday, May 15, 2011

The 12 Days of Mugger -Day 12

In 12 days we board a plane to Denver, CO for the wedding of Mugger & Michelle. In each of the days leading up to our departure I plan to post a photo or two and tell the story of my cousin Mugger as I remember it. You all will have your own versions, memories and anecdotes of this fine and often curious individual, but you’ll have to get your own photos and blog to tell that story.

A Mugger is born

I’ve been calling my cousin Mugger for so long that it in no way sounds odd. More than occasionally I can see that friends not in the know will pull Mugger aside and ask why some of us are calling him Mugger. It’s a fair question and the answer is quite simple.

Only a couple months after Mugger was brought home from the Hayna Orphanage in Nanticoke he celebrated his first Halloween. His parents (Weiner & Gummy), themselves not unfamiliar with peculiar nicknames, dressed young Mathew as a little bandit,,,,or Mugger. They armed this mugger with a squirt gun and a makeshift fabric mask. The name stuck.

For years we would call him Mugger. His parents, extended family and those at school.

It became such a concern after a couple years that this name wasn’t going away and for this reason they moved the entire family from Northeastern Pennsylvania and settled in the greater Midlothian Territory in the Deep South. They dropped the name Mugger and his new friends and acquaintances at school were introduced to him as Matt.

There are a handful of us that never let go, including his father and much of the extended family. Overseas, Fantasy Leagues and in Emergency Rooms throughout, he is sometimes now formally known as Dr. Mugger.

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